“Once again I want to thanks all of SORINTians! Some of them can be seen in this picture, working remotely!
Thank you for the Responsibility and Creativity demonstrated in this emergency. Responsibility and Creativity are important words and must always be used jointly. Responsibility towards the health of colleagues, relatives and customers. Responsibility towards one’s family, nowadays off of school and with fragile people to look after. Responsibility for one’s job, one’s role. Responsibility for never stepping back.
Creativity because in the face of unprecedented challenges (normally professional but today also in life) it is not enough to know the rules, it is not enough to be orderly (even if it is important). It is necessary for everyone to put something of their own, to give their value to others. This is what I see every day in SORINT, in the heart of Bergamo and in all international branches. People who give their day off and meal vouchers to colleagues, at CRI, at hospitals. “Fase 2” begins these days. We want to continue as we started. Working as far as possible from remote. Giving services to our customers without any interruption, not one! 24 × 7. With Responsibility and Creativity! Thanks!”
Luca Pedrazzini
Direttore Generale SORINT.lab