An introduction to GO

GO is a relatively new programming language (released by Google in 2009) with a sweet mascot.

It was born from the need of a simple and easy-to-read language to manage the large amount of development projects that scale over multiple workgroups, especially in large companies.


GO is a simple language, typed in a static way (type safety) and easily distributed (perfect for containers). It makes development activities fast and increases productivity, compiles and tests quickly.


GO is a high-level language, which also carries out the typical activities of a low-level language, it is very scalable and for this reason it is used by many important projects (Kubernetes, Dockers, Rkt, CockroachDB, Stolon, etc …).

Go offers a wide range of useful tools for development (testing, code documentation, linting, formatting, code generation, race protector, profiler) and a standard library with many features; all the toolchain is written in GO and this makes it one of the few languages written totally in itself.


Simone Gotti, Open Source Software Engineer and Architect, held a speech at Download Innovation, to introduce GO syntax and features (goroutines, channels, scheduler) and its stdlib features and explain why GO has gained great popularity among developers.

You can find the complete presentation on

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