BE PART OF the new IT

During the last 100 days we have faced a radical change in our way of living. We are now moving towards the construction of a new normality, coexisting with the virus and in such a situation, everyone’s responsibility will play a fundamental role.

As SORINT we would like to thank all the people who have faced the emergency on the front line, especially in our territory, Bergamo, that has been so strongly affected! Thank you!

Facing an exceptional and previously unknown situation, even the way we work, deadlines and planning, may not necessarily follow the set trends, but we have committed ourselves to carrying on with the objectives, in an almost-always successful way!

For our colleagues

Since the week of 23rd February all of SORINT’s employees, where there were no obstacles, have started working from home.

We have ensured the safety of all our offices by means and procedures of sanitizing, by establishing routes that guarantee the right distance, we are carrying out temperature controls of all accesses to the sites and we provide surgical masks and sanitizing gel to our staff.

In addition, we have implemented our internal communication tools to make remote working more agile, using all open source tools or other that have been developed in this period.

But not only that, on initiative of SORINT’s people, we have set up an hour bank, made available to colleagues who, due to family and personal needs, need days off, without having to take advantage of redundancy funds or unpaid leave.

For our communities

This emergency gave us the chance to show how much can be done with participating and sharing!

That’s exactly why we would like to share the goals that thanks to the generosity of all SORINT’s people we have achieved and the contribution we have been able to make to our Community:

We donated 40 tablets to the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo and Policlinico Ca’ Granda in Milan.

We donated a machine to disinfect and sanitize the hospital gowns for the Severo Ochoa University Hospital in Madrid and supported the Italian Red Cross in the most acute phase of the emergency.

In May instead we decided to support the Mario Negri Institute, an excellence of Bergamo, engaged in the research of a vaccine to fight Covid-19.

We have also made our IT skills available to different organisations.

For our customers

We would also like to thank our clients who have acknowledged the hard work and passion shown by their colleagues even in a complex situation like the one we have just experienced.

We are committed to providing all services and support to all customers without interruption, strictly following the instructions given by the authorities.

By implementing the protocols provided in our Business Continuity Plan and thanks to the commitment of all SORINTians, we were able to remain 100% operational despite the emergency. We have finally further enhanced all those services useful to our customers in order to face and reduce the impact of the coronavirus on our business.

We want to continue our commitment to our customers, the community and our people even when this situation will have been resolved because never before have we shown that the values of sharing and participating, together with an attitude of resilience, in complicated situations like this make all the difference!


Luca Pedrazzini

General Manager SORINT.lab



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Per ogni dubbio, o se vuoi semplicemente saperne di più sulle nostre soluzioni, sui case study, sulla nostra consulenza e su qualsiasi altra cosa che non hai trovato in questa pagina, contattaci compilando il form adiacente. Non vediamo l’ora di leggerti.